Good Afternoon
I hope you are well.
I have been asked to share the following news item with you all for cascading to your regional Post-graduate Deans of Education and Directors of Post-graduate Education. Feel free to share with any other educational networks you have too:
ASPiH National Simulation Survey
As part of its 15th anniversary celebrations, ASPiH is launching the ASPiH national simulation survey.
The survey aims to take a snapshot of how, where and when simulation activities are being used in the United Kingdom and Ireland (and more widely).
Data from the ASPiH national simulation survey will be contrasted with the results from the 2014 National Simulation Development Project which was conducted 10 years ago. The outputs from the ASPiH national simulation survey will be used to make recommendations for educators, clinical teams, regulators, commissioners and other national bodies to support the wider adoption and utilisation of simulation within healthcare education and clinical practice within health and social care settings.
The survey will be open for 4-6 weeks and can be completed here.
Many thanks in advance.
Kind regards
Charlotte Murray
Communications and Engagement Manager (WT&E Comms)
Workforce, Training and Education Directorate
NHS England
Telephone: 0121 695 2410
Email: Charlotte.Murray16@nhs.net
Website: www.england.nhs.uk